Monday, 27 June 2016

Mummy Mondays

A new weekly addition to my blog I've decided will be 'Mummy Mondays'.

Right now, my little boy Daniel is 11 months old. We've gone through the sleepless new-born stage, the reflux stage, the four month sleep regression, the initial teething and now currently going through the 'I only want my mummy' phase. Unfortunately I haven't had my blog long enough to have done a monthly update since day one, so I'll start now at 11 months.

Sleep routine: Just now Daniel is usually going to bed anywhere between 7.30pm and 8pm. He wakes once or twice looking for his dummy or his bottle but is usually sound asleep again straight away. From around 9pm he is usually in a deep enough sleep that he'll sleep right through to 8.30am or 9am. He was having 2 naps a day up until a week or so ago where he seems to be slowly dropping his morning nap and only napping around 2pm-ish every day now.

Eating: Daniel has been on solids from around 5 months. We slowly started to introduce those baby jars then gradually by the time he was 6/7 months, he was on more solids. Now at 11 months, he eats pretty much whatever we are having! His favourite foods at the moment are sausages, bananas, toast, and Weetabix with banana and cinnamon.

Sizes: He has some 9-12 things that still fit him but most of his clothes that he wears are all 12-18 months. His feet are so chunky that there's hardly any shoes that fit him right now! He can't wear any high topped shoes or wellies but any shoes that do fit are around a size 5 or 6. He is in size 4+ nappies although he's slowly moving into size 5.

Milestones: Daniel has been crawling now for just over 3 months, so just before he was 8 months old. He's now at that stage where he is pulling himself up and letting go and standing for a few seconds before falling over. He will walk along the furniture but he's not really making much attempt at walking properly yet! As for speaking, all I seem to hear from him for the past month or so is 'dada' His first and so far, only word.

"No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let's start with forever "
 - Edward Cullen, Twilight

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